10 years of experience forces you to learn some things the hard way. It also humbles you with the realization that you don't know squat. And as squats may be one of the best exercises a man can do, you have to keep the whole body in mind. Mind and body; a connection that once established, will give you a firm understanding of what a pain in the ass really feels like. But before I kick your butt, consider the firmness it can one day have. Naked could be your best outfit. Carrying groceries could be your new favorite past time. But I digress. My respect and appreciation for fitness knows no bounds. It has allowed me to live out my passion of helping others, for which I am deeply grateful. We are all here on this Earth at the same time in pursuit of happiness. If the culmination of every experience I've had in this industry can be used to help someone get there, then I have a responsibility to do so.
Jumpstart Your Health
A Healthier You
This is a popular trend in the fitness world today. Whether you’re training to lose weight or just want to trim and tone, our program will help improve your fitness and have you feeling great. You’ll see an improvement in your performance in no time.

Strength & Stamina
Tired of sitting all day in the office? Do your body a favor and get your blood pumping. Health and fitness is as much about what your body looks like on the outside as it is about how it functions on the inside. Your heart is a muscle, too, and my workouts will get your heart-rate up. Your body will thank you for it!
Vincent Van Gogh
“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?”